Car Accidents Lawyer in New York
Car Accidents are accidents in which people are injured physically and/or emotionally by or in cars, and whose motor vehicles suffer damage as well. The personal injury laws relating to motor vehicle accidents help determine which individuals were at fault for the incident, which individuals need to pay for medical treatment, and which individuals need to pay for vehicle repairs.
Types of Injuries
Car Accidents can cause numerous types of injuries, commonly including:
Head and Back Injuries
These are the most serious of all car accident injuries due to their traumatic and long-term effects.
Victims of car accidents wherein a driver and/or passenger(s) hit their head against various parts of the car – ranging from the driving wheel to windows to the dashboard – can suffer major medical repercussions as a result of the impact; such repercussions include comas, concussions, fractures, hearing and/or vision loss, and varying degrees of brain injuries.
Back injuries can be suffered by victims of car accidents wherein a driver and/or passenger(s) injures their back against various parts of the car and can suffer from spinal cord damage, reduced sensation in various body parts, varying degrees of paralysis, and a herniated disk.
Neck and Chest Injuries
Victims of car accidents wherein a driver and/or passenger(s) lose control of their head and/or neck due to the impact and suffer major medical repercussions as a result of the impact; such repercussions include whiplash (most common), swelling, and even temporary vocal cord paralysis.
Chest injuries can be suffered by victims of car accidents wherein a driver and/or passenger(s) injures their chest area as a result of blunt force trauma; such trauma can lead to broken bones, collapsed lung(s), cardiac arrest, internal bleeding, and organ damage.
Arms, Legs, Hands, and Feet Injuries
Victims of car accidents wherein a driver and/or passenger(s) injure their arms, legs, hands, and/or feet due to the impact can suffer major medical repercussions as a result of the impact; such repercussions include broken bones, severed limbs, ligament damage, scarring, emotional distress, and other psychological damage.
Common Causes of Car Accidents
Car accidents are commonly caused by negligence and are thus subject to negligence personal injury laws. Because the operation of motor vehicles comes with the duty to exercise reasonable care under the circumstances,” getting into a car accident due to a lack of reasonable care is deemed negligent. Aside from negligence, however, car accidents are also commonly caused by reckless driving (done intentionally or recklessly) or drunk driving; according to the NHTSA, aggressive driving includes (i) speeding above the posted limit or driving too fast for the current conditions, (ii) improper or excessive lane changing, including failure to signal intent and failure to check that the lane change can be made safely, and (iii) improper passing, including failure to signal intent and use of the shoulder, median, or an emergency lane to pass. When it comes to drunk driving, liability is placed on the drunk driver but also on anyone who may be liable for damages if they served said the drunk driver.
If you have been in a car accident and are ready to pursue recovery, call our experienced legal team today at (646) 766-8308.
What to Do After Being in a Car Accident?
In New York, there are two (2) different types of reports that must be filed after a car accident, depending on the situation. If you have been in an accident and someone suffered an injury, the driver of the vehicle responsible for the accident is required to file a report with the local police station as soon as possible. If you have been in an accident and no one suffered an injury, but rather the outcome was property damage, the driver of the vehicle responsible for the accident is required to file a report with the local police station as soon as possible only if the owner of the property is not present – if they are, both parties must simply exchange insurance and contact information. New York, however, does require that any personal injury accident that leads to $1,001+ worth of damages to property be reported in a written report and filed to the Department of Motor Vehicles within a 10-day period.
For more information on what exactly you should do right after you have been in a car accident, read this article on our resources page.
Ki legal Personal Injury Case Results
Truck Multi-Car Collision
Successfully sued a trucking company that owned a truck involved in a multiple-car collision. Injuries involved the back and head.
Side Door Car Collision
Successfully sued a railroad company that owned a truck involved in a side door car collision. Injuries involved the hand and head.
NYC Negligence
Successfully represented a client who got into a motor vehicle accident on a street where work was being performed, resulting in serious injuries. We were able to secure a $250,000 settlement after extensive discovery and depositions.
Minor Child Car Accident
Successfully represented a minor passenger child of a car accident crash in Brooklyn, New York who suffered severe back and neck injuries due to a crash caused by a drunk driver that struck the car the minor child was traveling in.
Meatpacking NYC Motor Vehicle Accident
Successfully represented a client who got into a motor vehicle accident in the Meatpacking District with a commercial van. Due to the driver’s negligence, we were able to secure a $150,000 settlement after depositions.
Rear-End Car Accident
Successfully represented a driver whose car was struck in the rear by a vehicle that was following too closely in Queens, New York. The driver suffered serious personal injuries requiring multiple surgeries.